Supplements 101: Understanding How to Give Your Body the Nutrients It Needs

In an ideal world, we would get all of the nutrients we need from food. But there are many reasons why, even with a clean vegetable-packed diet, you may not be receiving all the nutrients your body needs:

  • Modern conventional agricultural methods have reduced amounts of vitamins and minerals from the soil in which food grows. For example, spinach in our era doesn’t contain as much folate and vitamins A, C, and K as in earlier generations.

  • The Standard American Diet is not only low in nutrients - with its dependence on refined and processed foods - but it is also damaging to the gut. Refined flours, antibiotics in meat, and added sugars have decreased the diversity of bacteria in our microbiome, the community of bacteria living inside our gut, scientifically proven to affect our weight, mood, energy levels, skin and overall wellbeing.

  • High-stress modern lifestyle, especially in New York City, prevents your body from properly processing and absorbing nutrients.

  • Environmental toxins like heavy metals, endocrine disruptors (like BPA and phthalates), and pesticides that interfere with the body’s own natural detoxification systems.

To address these issues, we should all make our best effort to eat a diverse array of clean, organically grown foods from local farms, and add in fermented foods like kimchi and sauerkraut to add beneficial bacteria into our digestive tract and reduce sugar cravings. We can also feed the good bacteria already in our gut by eating fiber, complex carbohydrates and resistant starches, such as onions, garlic, artichokes, sunchokes, asparagus, sweet potatoes, and whole grains. One of the reasons Provenance was created was to make eating clean, organic, nutrient-dense foods to nourish your body as delicious and convenient as possible.

Even if you’re doing all of the above, chances are you will benefit from targeted supplementation. Dietary supplements cover a broad category of vitamins, minerals, herbs, and more that can be consumed to support overall health:

  • Vitamins and minerals (i.e. magnesium, iron, or zinc)

  • Proteins and amino acids (i.e. collagen or protein powders from pea or hemp)

  • Essential fatty acids (i.e. fish oil, omega-3s, DHA)

  • Plant extracts (i.e. curcumin, CBD, or prebiotics)

  • Herbs (i.e. ginseng, ashwaghanda, holy basil)

  • Probiotic bacteria

Some supplements you may take daily, like a multivitamin, to fill in gaps in your diet. Others may be more targeted - for example taking a doctor-prescribed dose of vitamin D for a certain period of time if a blood test shows you to be deficient. We recommend the following supplements, of which are available nationwide in our Wellness Shop.

In addition to the rich nutrients in the Provenance Detox’s plant-based shakes and meals, we include targeted supplements to supercharge your detox.


More and more studies are showing the importance of a diverse microbiome to everything from digestion to mental health. A healthy gut will also help ensure that your body is actually absorbing the nutrients in your meals. Flourish is specifically designed to help support body weight regulation by delivering targeted probiotic support as Bifidobacterium lactis B-420TM which has been shown to help control body fat and weight loss in clinical trials, with losses of 2-5 pounds in the first week as the gut tightens.

Vitamin D3 5000 + K

Vitamin D is a hormone that plays a critical role in a lot of the body's systems — bone health, cardiovascular health, immunity, and more. While our bodies can synthesize it through sunshine, it is a common deficiency among those who live in cooler climates (especially at northern latitudes like New York). Including the Vitamin D3 5000 + K in your daily routine will help fill in the gaps and provide critical nutrients to promote strong bones. Our formula is paired with vitamin K, which works synergistically with vitamin D for a more efficient and healthy absorption of calcium.

Omega 3 Fish Oil

One of the most commonly consumed supplements, fish oil is a great way to reduce inflammation and promote mental health. While our bodies do not produce omega-3 fatty acids, it’s important to source these nutrients from food or supplements. Fatty acids support your immune system and cardiovascular strength, and are essential to the maintenance of musculoskeletal and overall health. Our Omega 3 Fish Oil, a concentrated, purified source of omega-3 fatty acids in triglyceride form with a total of 710 mg EPA and 290 mg DHA, is sustainably sourced from cold-water fish. EPA and DHA are omega-3 fatty acids found in fish oil, which are more bioavailbale to the body in the triglyceride form.