Supplements are a great way to add nutrients and beneficial bacteria to your diet that you may not be getting (or absorbing) from your daily food intake. There are many reasons why, even with a clean vegetable-packed diet, you may not be receiving all the nutrients your body needs. First, modern intensive agricultural methods have reduced amounts of vitamins and minerals from the soil in which food grows. The result of all those pesticides and monoculture is that modern spinach doesn’t contain as much folate and vitamins A, C, and K than when our nation had more small farms and people ate more regionally. Second, the Standard American Diet is not only low in nutrients, with its dependence on refined and processed foods, but it is also damaging to the gut. Refined flours, antibiotics in meat, and added sugars have decreased the diversity of bacteria in our microbiome, the community of bacteria living inside our gut and scientifically proven to affect our weight, mood, energy levels, skin and overall wellbeing.
To address these issues, we should all make our best effort to eat a diverse array of clean nutrient-dense food, and add in fermented foods like kimchi and sauerkraut to add beneficial bacteria into our digestive tract and reduce sugar cravings. We can also feed the good bacteria already in our gut by consuming plenty of fiber and complex carbohydrates.
Even if you’re doing all of the above, chances are you will benefit from targeted supplementation. Here are our top 5 essential supplements.
Multivitamin - Even with a fabulous diet, there are many factors that make it impossible to get the vitamins and minerals we need. A multivitamin is a form of nutritional insurance to make sure you’re filling in the gaps in your diet. That said, not all multivitamins are created equal. We recommend the PhytoMulti from Metagenics, a trusted supplement company that performs third party testing and provides full visibility to testing reports on their website.
Vitamin D3/K2. Did you know that Vitamin D deficiency affects half the population and is linked to many cancers, heart disease, and autoimmune diseases? If you live in the Northern US and it’s wintertime, the cold temperatures and the position of the sun can prevent you from getting adequate sunshine to meet your Vitamin D requirements. We recommend getting bloodwork tested yearly and asking your doctor to test for Vitamin D levels. If you’re on the lower side, try supplementing with a biovailable D3/K2 combo like the one you’ll find in our Wellness Shop.
Magnesium. Magnesium has been called “nature’s Xanax” and for good reason. It has been shown to increase energy, improve sleep and digestion, reduce stress and muscle pain, and treat migraines. Moreover, you need sufficient magnesium in order to properly absorb and utilize calcium for strong bones. Research indicates that as many as 80% of us are magnesium deficient. While there are several different types of magnesium, we prefer the Mag Glycinate which calms the nervous system to aid in quality sleep and reducing stress, without affecting your bowels as other forms of magnesium can do.
Omega 3 Fatty Acids. Including fish regularly in your diet is a great start, and consuming more omega 3 fatty acids via supplements is a good thing. Sardines and wild salmon are a sustainable way to get more omega-3s. The Standard American Diet is high in omega 6 due to all the industrial vegetable oils like canola, soybean, and sunflower seed that are used in processed foods, restaurant meals, and so-called “healthy” salad dressings. The ratio of omega 3 to omega 6 is thus out of proportion for many people, and avoiding those vegetable oils and increasing fish oils is the way to go. Omega 3 fights inflammation, which is the root cause of most modern disease.
Probiotics. Keeping the gut healthy in order to absorb nutrients from foods and produce neurotransmitters that keep us happy and calm is our top priority. A balanced gut microbiome is crucial for improvements to digestion, the nervous system, the immune system, mood, and weight. In fact, if you’re feeling a little above your ideal weight, turn to our Flourish probiotics. These contain Bifidobacterium lactis B-420, a bacterial strain which has shown weight loss in clinical trials, with losses of 2-5 pounds in the first week as the gut tightens.
Supplements should never take the place of a well-balanced, clean diet, but they can assist with targeting certain nutritional deficiencies or a microbiome not in balance. If you’re experiencing low energy, fatigue, digestion problems, or skin issues, it’s worth taking a look at the supplements we’ve outlined above and experiment. We suggest taking supplements consistently for a set period of time (usually at least one month) and paying attention to any changes that may occur. Some supplements can be taken temporarily, others can be taken every day as part of a wellness maintenance routine. As with everything, quality matters. Look for established companies that perform extensive testing versus over the counter supplements. Work with a functional medicine practitioner to identify your personal needs. Combined with clean eats, quality sleep, and an exercise routine, supplements can fill in possible nutritional gaps and help you meet your wellness goals.