“We have a population that is at risk, not simply because of age, but because of the chronic diseases that affect 6 out of 10 Americans according to the CDC.”
We know it’s challenging to opt for healthy habits and self-care in this modern world that sometimes feels filled with stress and overwhelm. Now, with the change of seasons upon us and the ongoing spread of the coronavirus, we feel it is more important than ever to practice self-love and to support your immune system.
While there is an undeniable tension in the air regarding COVID-19, we need to understand why that is. Parsley Health founder Dr. Robin Berzin stated in an article about the novel virus that, “We have a population that is at risk, not simply because of age, but because of the chronic diseases that affect 6 out of 10 Americans according to the CDC.”
In order to prevent chronic diseases that impact the strength of the immune system, we caught up with Registered Dietitian Eliza Savage, one of our go-to wellness partners. She guided us through our research on the immune system’s function and what lifestyle changes we should make to improve it.
How does the immune system function?
The immune system’s main purpose is to protect the body against infections and other harmful invaders. Without this intricate system, which includes the lymphatic system, and bone marrow, our bodies would constantly get sick from bacteria and viruses. Within the immune system are two others: the innate (non-specific) and adaptive (specific) immune system. The innate system provides general defense, essentially fighting harmful substances and germs, whereas the adaptive immune system makes antibodies and uses them to fight germs that the body has previously encountered. These systems can be activated by different triggers, such as viruses or bacteria, that the body doesn’t recognize as its own (called antigens).
The immune system's main function is to protect the body against infections and other harmful invaders.
When antigens attach to particular receptors on immune cells, the body figures out how to fight the particular bacteria or virus, then stores information on how to combat for the future. This way, if the antigen returns, the immune system can recognize it and fight it faster. However, sometimes the body is triggered by its own proteins and mistakenly thinks that the cell is foreign and attacks it. This particular process is known as an autoimmune response.
What weakens your immune system?
Your lifestyle has a domino effect on the many different systems in your body. Smoking, consuming alcohol, poor nutrition, and lack of exercise all hinder your immune system’s strength. In order to improve overall health, consider cutting out or improving these behaviors, as they will have some sort of impact on the immune system.
How to boost your immunity through nutrition and lifestyle:
While washing hands frequently and effectively is best for avoiding infection (with caveat for CDC's specific recommendations for COVID-19), here are a few other ways to boost and support your immune system.
Rest and Relaxation
Meditate or take moments out of the day to focus on your breath in order to stay grounded, centered, and present. In a report completed by the American Psychological Association, stress weakens the immune system. Solid, sound sleep is another important factor to lower cortisol levels, and let your body heal. If you’re feeling unwell, take the time to indulge in some rest and relaxation so your energy can be conserved and used to fight off illness.
Sweat It Out
While it’s important to rest if unwell or fatigued, we encourage you to keep moving otherwise. According to a 2018 immunology review by David C. Nieman and Laurel M. Wentz in The Journal of Sport and Health Science, studies from as early as 1902 suggest that frequent exercise improves the amount of white blood cells, which protect the body from foreign invaders, diseases, and viruses. The article also states that with near daily acute exercise — moderate-to-vigorous intensity in under an hour — immune defense activity and metabolic health will be enhanced.
Hydration is Key
We cannot stress this enough — hydrate, hydrate, hydrate! In an interview with CNN, registered US dietitian Lisa Drayer emphasized the importance of drinking water regularly, as it helps to prevent infections and delivers nutrients to our cells. It’s also crucial to the function of the kidneys and liver, which helps naturally detoxify the body. By drinking more water, you’re helping your body retain the good stuff, and flush out the bad. Similar to the chia frescas on our menu each week, we recommend adding chia with a pinch of salt which acts as time-release hydration and adds important minerals.

You Are What You Eat
Last, but certainly not least, your diet. What have you been putting into your body lately? We get it — sometimes your diet gets put on the back burner. However, maybe it’s time to hone in on nutritional value and treating food as actual medicine, especially when health is a hot commodity right now. We suggest eating nutrient-dense ingredients and foods to boost immunity. Doctors recommend a whole foods diet rich in foods with vitamins C, D, E, and omega-3 fatty acids, such as dark leafy greens, salmon, flaxseed, walnuts, almonds, beets, asparagus, and avocado. Also, incorporating fermented foods like kimchi and kombucha will enhance the gut microbiome by inviting healthy bacteria in the system. While adding these ingredients into your routine, try avoiding processed foods, sugar, soda, and alcohol, as they may weaken your immune system.
Doctor Recommended Foods to Boost Immunity
Dark Leafy Greens, Salmon, Beets, Asparagus, Ginseng, Garlic, Echinacea, Avocado, Walnuts, FlaxseedWhile the task may seem daunting, making little tweaks in different aspects of your life can result in a big upgrade in health. At Provenance Meals, our entire mission is built around the health and wellbeing of our clients and employees. We are committed to going above and beyond for our clients - supporting your wellness journey, sharing knowledge from our nutrition experts, and preparing the highest quality, ready-to-eat meals delivered to your door.