Food & Drink

Are these nutrients missing from your plant-based diet?

Are these nutrients missing from your plant-based diet?

At home, plants make up the majority of my diet. Dark leafy greens, seasonal produce, and plant-based proteins like nuts and seeds are consumed and enjoyed every day. Spain has been much the opposite of this. And yet... I feel fantastic. My digestion is great, my hair is shiny and healthy, my nails are strong and long, and my mood is awesome. The fact is, I’m eating a lot more nutrients of the kind that I don’t normally get in America. So what is it about these foods that are making me feel so good? Here are some of the nutrients I’m incorporating, and how you can get them too, even if you follow a 100% plant-based diet.

Fat Does Not Make You Fat

Fat Does Not Make You Fat

Let's get this out of the way first - fat does not make you fat. Fat is an essential part of the human diet, the trick is to choose the good-for-you fats. In fact, long-term adherence to a low-fat diet can backfire, causing hormones to fall out of balance and a whole range of issues from weight gain to fatigue. One of the main sources of fat in our everyday diet is oil. We are very picky about the types of oil we cook with here at Provenance Meals. 

From a Nutritionist - 5 Tips for Staying Healthy and Fit

From a Nutritionist - 5 Tips for Staying Healthy and Fit

Stabilizing blood sugar is the key to managing energy, weight, mood, hormones and cravings. Many people are riding the wave of energy ups and down during the day and it can take a tool on you both physically and emotionally.  For many, they know what foods are healthy and that eating clean is the best step in their wellness journey. So their big picture nutrition isn't an issue, it's the little modifications we make in their day to day that end up having a huge impact.  

Top 5 Reasons Calorie Counting is NOT Essential for Wellness and Weight Loss

Top 5 Reasons Calorie Counting is NOT Essential for Wellness and Weight Loss

By far the most frequent question we get is “How many calories are in your meals?” We very consciously don’t include the nutritional information. Why? The simple answer is that calorie content is not a good indicator of how healthy something is. True health, and even weight loss, goes far beyond calories in vs. calories out. Here are the five main reasons why we believe counting calories is not essential on your wellness journey.

Spring Cleaning your Body + Supertonics: Interview with herbalist Olivia Clementine

Spring Cleaning your Body + Supertonics: Interview with herbalist Olivia Clementine

We're officially in the swing of spring and before we know it temperatures will be up, everything will be in bloom, and we'll be counting down for the unofficial start of summer aka Memorial Day Weekend. As we get ready for our healthiest, prettiest spring with a Whole Food Cleanse, we had the opportunity to speak with our favorite herbalist, Olivia Clementine, and discuss in more detail her speciality of supertonics.

Why You Should Take a Gluten Challenge + 4 Tips for Going Gluten Free

Why You Should Take a Gluten Challenge + 4 Tips for Going Gluten Free

You probably have a friend or two who are on a gluten-free diet. Maybe you’ve heard of Celiac Disease, and know that for those who have been diagnosed, it can be deadly to consume gluten. But what about gluten sensitivity? Is it a real thing or just another food trend?

Non-Celiac gluten sensitivity is in fact an established medical diagnosis. Functional medicine specialist, Dr. Mark Hyman states that gluten sensitivity is “actually an autoimmune disease that creates inflammation throughout the body with wide-ranging effects across all organ systems including your brain, heart, joints, digestive tract and more.” Unfortunately, many people who have it don’t realize it. The symptoms can be as subtle as occasional digestive upset, low energy, excess weight and feelings of bloat, or it can manifest in serious autoimmune diseases, chronic illness, and mood disorders such as anxiety and depression. If any of those sound familiar, it’s time to take a gluten challenge!