Health & Wellness

Why You Should Take a Gluten Challenge + 4 Tips for Going Gluten Free

Why You Should Take a Gluten Challenge + 4 Tips for Going Gluten Free

You probably have a friend or two who are on a gluten-free diet. Maybe you’ve heard of Celiac Disease, and know that for those who have been diagnosed, it can be deadly to consume gluten. But what about gluten sensitivity? Is it a real thing or just another food trend?

Non-Celiac gluten sensitivity is in fact an established medical diagnosis. Functional medicine specialist, Dr. Mark Hyman states that gluten sensitivity is “actually an autoimmune disease that creates inflammation throughout the body with wide-ranging effects across all organ systems including your brain, heart, joints, digestive tract and more.” Unfortunately, many people who have it don’t realize it. The symptoms can be as subtle as occasional digestive upset, low energy, excess weight and feelings of bloat, or it can manifest in serious autoimmune diseases, chronic illness, and mood disorders such as anxiety and depression. If any of those sound familiar, it’s time to take a gluten challenge!

Self-Care from a Health Perspective: Its effect on your MIND+BODY

Self-Care from a Health Perspective: Its effect on your MIND+BODY

We’ve already covered the role of self-care when it comes to making better food choices, staying active, and rethinking your beauty routine. This week we wanted to discuss self-care from a health perspective and it’s effect on your mind+body. How does stress affect our body? What role does mental and emotional health or stress play in self-care? So we asked our wellness partners over at Parsley Health to share some insights and had the opportunity to interview Dr. Soyona Raatajah, an Integrative and Functional medicine expert.