Health & Wellness

5 Tips for Staying Balanced This Fall

5 Tips for Staying Balanced This Fall

Autumn is the season of change. You might find yourself feeling more stressed or overwhelmed than usual, perhaps flighty, distracted, or anxious. You might start to notice dryer skin, achy joints, or irregular digestion. We want to counter these tendencies to keep our minds and bodies in balance this fall. That means favoring foods and activities that are warming, grounding, soft, and stable. Here are some tips to feel your best this season.

How to Stay Healthy During Vacation - Top 5 Travel Tips

How to Stay Healthy During Vacation - Top 5 Travel Tips

Schools out for the summer! Whether you're a student, have school-aged kids yourself or are somewhere in between, there's nothing like that feeling of freedom that summer brings. And with summer comes much needed vacations. Travel is great for the mind and body, providing a break for New Yorkers to get away from our fast-paced city and kick back for a bit. And while we’re all for a little healthy indulgence here at Provenance, who wants to go away only to come back bloated, fatigued and in need of another vacation? Here are our top 5 tips and tricks for staying in a holistic state of mind and having your healthiest and most enjoyable vacation yet.

Collagen: Your Secret Weapon for Beautiful Skin

Collagen: Your Secret Weapon for Beautiful Skin

Collagen is the ultimate beauty food. It’s the protein responsible for the vitality and elasticity in skin, giving you the glowy radiance of youth, and keeping your hair shiny and your bones strong. It also protects your gut lining. Collagen is the most abundant protein in the body and is found in the skin, joints, cartilage and bones of animals. I recently turned 46, and I would be lying if I said I wasn't more focused on my beauty routine than ever! Keeping my skin wrinkle-free and my hair thick and shiny are two of my top priorities and, since I believe that beauty comes from the inside out, I keep a clean diet with the help of Provenance Meals and make sure I’m getting enough collagen.

Fat Does Not Make You Fat

Fat Does Not Make You Fat

Let's get this out of the way first - fat does not make you fat. Fat is an essential part of the human diet, the trick is to choose the good-for-you fats. In fact, long-term adherence to a low-fat diet can backfire, causing hormones to fall out of balance and a whole range of issues from weight gain to fatigue. One of the main sources of fat in our everyday diet is oil. We are very picky about the types of oil we cook with here at Provenance Meals. 

From a Nutritionist - 5 Tips for Staying Healthy and Fit

From a Nutritionist - 5 Tips for Staying Healthy and Fit

Stabilizing blood sugar is the key to managing energy, weight, mood, hormones and cravings. Many people are riding the wave of energy ups and down during the day and it can take a tool on you both physically and emotionally.  For many, they know what foods are healthy and that eating clean is the best step in their wellness journey. So their big picture nutrition isn't an issue, it's the little modifications we make in their day to day that end up having a huge impact.  

Top 5 Reasons Calorie Counting is NOT Essential for Wellness and Weight Loss

Top 5 Reasons Calorie Counting is NOT Essential for Wellness and Weight Loss

By far the most frequent question we get is “How many calories are in your meals?” We very consciously don’t include the nutritional information. Why? The simple answer is that calorie content is not a good indicator of how healthy something is. True health, and even weight loss, goes far beyond calories in vs. calories out. Here are the five main reasons why we believe counting calories is not essential on your wellness journey.

During + Post-Pregnancy Wellness - Interview with Kristin McGee

During + Post-Pregnancy Wellness - Interview with Kristin McGee

During and after your pregnancy, putting your wellness first by eating nutrient rich foods and staying active is key. To share more insights we talked with Kristin McGee, our favorite 'can't believe how she does it all' Author, Mompreneur and Celebrity Yoga / Pilates Teacher. From day one we knew she would be our go-to resource for soon-to-be and new moms. Check out our interview with her on how to stay nourished, tips for recovery, best yoga positions, and advice on keeping it all balanced. What advice can you share on how to feed yourself during pregnancy and then while breastfeeding - especially if you want to stay nourished while also starting to think about recovery?

Ultimate Wellness Week in New York City for Your Wedding

Ultimate Wellness Week in New York City for Your Wedding

Let’s face it. The last week leading up to your big day can be stressful. Instead of blowing off steam with a weekend full of debauchery in Vegas, why not coordinate a stay-cation style, week full of wellness retreat for your bridal party. Relax, reset, and focus on restoring health and wellness for the whole crew not only physically but mentally as well.

Our tips for the Ultimate Wellness Week in New York City is not only perfect for your wedding party but for any group of friends that wants to spend time together without having to take a chunk of time off work or break the bank on a flight. 

How Acupuncture Can Help Fight Seasonal Allergies

How Acupuncture Can Help Fight Seasonal Allergies

As spring begins, you also need to consider the changes that come with this season specifically: Allergies. For the next three months pollen will abound, so what do you do? We've previously discussed how a cleanse program can help alleviate allergies (especially when you cut dairy out of your diet), but what about acupuncture? To help explain more we needed to chat with an expert. 

Check out our interview with Provenance Meals Wellness Partner and Seasoned Acupuncturist, Margaret Sikowitz, about the benefits of acupuncture when it comes to combatting seasonal allergies

"Listen to Your Gut!" - Talking Gut Health with Dr. Frank Lipman

"Listen to Your Gut!" - Talking Gut Health with Dr. Frank Lipman

Listen to your gut! This simple, well-known saying isn't just about intuition and following instincts anymore. If you listen closely your gut is actually speaking to you about your physical, mental, and emotional health and wellness. We sat down with functional and integrative medicine expert and Provenance Meals Wellness Partner, Dr. Frank Lipman of Be Well and the Eleven Eleven Wellness Centers to share more details on what this idea of "Gut Health" is all about.