Co-founder of The Cristalline and mineral gemstone maven, Rashia Bell is changing the way we heal. As an energetic designer, she works with the synergistic relationship between wellbeing and surrounding environments. Rashia’s stunning work includes an installation of 700 pounds of crystals at the Four Seasons Philadelphia at Comcast Center, the iconic studio space for The Class by Taryn Toomey, a crystal-infused activewear line with Carbon38, and most recently, the Clarity Gemstone Set for the Provenance Detox Renew Edition. The meditation guide and guest curator for this detox, Rashia shares her intimate knowledge of healing and the connection we have with our surroundings.
“We are made up of energy, just as the space around us is created of energy. Where we are, what and who we are surrounded by is a huge factor in our personal philosophy so I feel that energetic design is a natural extension of taking care of yourself. Your space is your foundation, and the cracks in other aspects of your life immediately are shown there, so the reflection can also have an equally positive effect if you are letting your space support you. ”
We are familiar with Marie Kondo’s techniques and the art of feng shui, but energetic design presents a new approach. You have used this technique when working on interior design projects like The Class studios and the Four Seasons New York. Could you expand on this process?
Crystals are made up of a variety of minerals and each type has a unique makeup that gives it specific energetic properties based on how it was naturally created. Through study and intuitive practice with hundreds of stones I can assess what energy is lacking both within a space or a human being, they are no different. And I use crystals to help harness, clear, or amplify a space, whatever is needed. We use the crystals like a prescription and treat the symptoms to find a balance that the humans that inhabit the spaces can feel and it has a positive effect on the individual.
What are three ways individuals can use your philosophy to create a more positive and calming atmosphere at home?
There are certain stones that are known to help in certain spaces and situations. For example, placing Black Tourmaline or Shungite near your wireless router can help block negative energy and frequencies from EMFs which has been scientifically proven. Rose Quartz can be used in the bedroom to amplify self-love. Citrine is a wonderful stone to keep at your desk to strengthen creativity and help you focus. We like to use them in function ways, decorative ways, and teach people how to then incorporate them into personalized rituals.
The Provenance Detox Renew Edition also features a specially-curated set of gemstones from The Cristalline. What was your process in selecting Clear Quartz and Obsidian and how will these support the cleansing process?
I chose these because detox is ultimately about seeing balance. Trying to find a new homeostasis. So I wanted stones that sat on each end of the spectrum. Clear quartz is a cleansing and harmonizing stone so it is to support what the body is releasing or detaching from. Obsidian is a grounding stone, so it supports the new state that you are transitioning into and how the body will feel post-program.
Crystals can hold different purposes to people. For someone new to the concept of crystal healing, how do you describe it? Could you share some words of inspiration for those who are interested yet intimidated by this practice?
Like meditation, therapy, or a guided intuitive session, crystal healing offers a unique way to get quiet and connect with your innermost self. Crystal healing differs from the aforementioned methods because they offer supportive intuitive guidance through the use of mineral gemstones (aka crystals), which promote the clearing of negative or stagnant energy amplifying positive energy flow throughout your body, mind, and soul. I wrote a whole blog on this topic for anyone who is curious about crystal healing, and you can read more in-depth here. You are using nature, and science to resonate with the body. And each person will be drawn to or need different stones based on their body’s unique composition and what is going on both past and present in their life.
Provenance Detox Renew Edition
Using nutrition and mindfulness tools, this plant-based experience serves as a reminder that you have the power to make better choices, channel change, and break bad habits.