Health & Wellness

What is it REALLY like on a Detox?

What is it REALLY like on a Detox?

With wellness goals topping our priority lists during the beginning of the year, we see an increase in clients signing up for our cleanse programs. Designed to support your body's natural detoxification processes, a whole foods cleanse or detox is all about nourishing your body with nutrient dense foods while at the same time ridding common your body from common allergens and inflammatory foods - i.e. gluten, dairy, and sugar. But what is it REALLY LIKE on a detox? Today we're excited to share three different perspectives and experiences with our Provenance Detox cleanse program.

How to Detox Your Makeup Bag

How to Detox Your Makeup Bag

There is a lot of buzz about “clean cosmetics”. What we put on our skin matters. Skin is our largest organ and nearly everything we put on it enters our bloodstream, which in turn directly impacts our overall health. The personal care industry (think skin care, makeup, deodorant, hair products, everything in your shower) is virtually unregulated. Companies are not required to disclose ingredients let alone prove they are safe. Bonkers, right!? We are slathering ourselves and our family with toxic and dangerous chemicals every single day.

20 Habits to Establish in a Self-Care and Wellness Routine

20 Habits to Establish in a Self-Care and Wellness Routine

It's a fresh start to a new, beautiful year! We already mentioned how wellness and self-care isn't your typical resolution. Instead it's all about making a choice to establish a routine - small steps every day to focus more and more on your own health and wellness. To get you started put together our Top 20 list of self-care and wellness habits our team wants to establish in this new year.

10 Reasons to Make your Health & Wellness a Priority

10 Reasons to Make your Health & Wellness a Priority

We often stress how important it is to make small changes in your daily routine to encourage self-care and promote better health. At the end of the day though it’s up to YOU to make a decision to put your wellness first. Need a little more help? Here’s a list of our 10 Simple Reasons to make your health and wellness a priority starting today:

Wellness is a Resolution (But not the kind that you think)

Wellness is a Resolution (But not the kind that you think)

It’s that time of year again. As we hurtle toward 2018, thoughts naturally turn towards thinner waistlines, gym memberships, and the latest diet fad. At Provenance, we know how important practicing self-care is. But something about the latest round of New Year’s resolutions (which sound so similar to last year’s frankly) have us thinking it’s time for a change.

Our Favorite Wellness Gifts

Our Favorite Wellness Gifts

'Tis the season for spreading cheer and showering those around you with gifts. While we fully believe wellness should be a focus year round, this is also the perfect time of the year to treat friends, family, and yourself with a gift that can truly make an impact on your health this season and in the coming New Year. From self-care and beauty to delicious treats, empowering your mind and elevating your style, check out our favorite gift ideas from our wellness partners and like-minded industry pros.

Men's Health and Wellness - Balancing Movement, Nutrition, and Recovery

Men's Health and Wellness - Balancing Movement, Nutrition, and Recovery

Most men that are looking to improve their health & fitness are lazer-focused when it comes to training but let their nutrition fall to the way side. You simply can’t out train a poor diet. Hours on the treadmill or maxing out your ClassPass will never help you reach optimal health on their own. There needs to be a balance in exercise, nutrition and recovery to perform at your best. 

Message from the Founder: Why We Do What We Do

Message from the Founder: Why We Do What We Do

I’ve been promoting eating clean among my friends and family ever since I had my own “aha” moment over a decade ago. When I discovered that my low energy, fatigue, tummy aches and the blood sugar roller coaster I was on could all disappear just by eating real food, I knew I had found my calling to help others feel their best as well.

Infrared Saunas - Our New Favorite Self-Care Treatment

Infrared Saunas - Our New Favorite Self-Care Treatment

Our team is obsessed with self care. Living in NYC is draining. We’re constantly on-the-go rushing from one appointment to the other and there is never enough time in the day. That is why it is so important to make your wellness a priority. Our favorite treatment for self-case we recently discovered is the Infrared Sauna. Unlike traditional saunas that just heat the air and in turn the outer layers of your skin, the infrared sauna uses a light that heats up your body directly warming you from the inside out.