Food & Drink

Importance of Hydration for Weight Loss

Importance of Hydration for Weight Loss

We are fanatics when it comes to hydration. Water truly is the elixir of life. Proper hydration helps our bodies regulate temperature, lubricate our joints, fight infections, and more. Many of us may also be familiar with the importance of staying hydrated when it comes to an anti-aging and beauty routine. Water helps keep your skin supple, dense, and elastic which prevents the development of fine lines. Not to mention that water is crucial to nail and hair health as well. But today we're exploring another key benefit of staying hydrated - weight loss.

From Our Chefs: How To Make Chia Frescas At Home

From Our Chefs: How To Make Chia Frescas At Home

To celebrate the start of summer, we are using the heat of the sun to cool down and sharing two easy-to-make recipes of one of our most hydrating snacks: Chia Fresca. A Provenance staple and client favorite, our chefs share these chia fresca recipes for those missing out on our Clean Eating Programs and wanting to recreate the beverage at home.

Resetting the System: The Power of A Cleanse

Resetting the System: The Power of A Cleanse

With only a few weeks left of winter, we are preparing ourselves for the ceremonial spring clean. This is an important time of year for Provenance clients, as we focus not only on cleansing our surroundings, but our mind and bodies as well.  In an effort to get back to basics and revive her energy, The Class Digital Producer and Teacher Courtney Deri participated in The Cleanse meal delivery program. Today, she shares how she overcame cravings and how the experience reset her system.

How to Improve Your Gut Health

How to Improve Your Gut Health

The microbiome is one of the most important ecosystems in your body. The bacteria in your gut that help us process foods and absorb nutrients are responsible for weight, mood, energy, and overall wellness. This amazing community of bacteria, also called “the second brain”, has an enormous effect on your sleep, skin, allergies, hormones, immunity, and more.

Foods That Help Fight Stress

Foods That Help Fight Stress

Want to supercharge your mood? Look at what you’re eating. Food is an important - but often overlooked - piece of the puzzle for managing stress. The food you eat can have a direct impact not just on things like anxiety, depression, or Seasonal Affective Disorder, but even on your everyday mood. Eliminating inflammatory ingredients like gluten, dairy, and sugar can be a great place to start, but you also need to be sure you’re getting adequate stress-busting nutrients.

Provenance Book Club: Quench

Provenance Book Club: Quench

Properly hydrating your body can address a plethora of health issues - from chronic headaches, brain fog, and fatigue to weight gain, gut issues, and autoimmune conditions. You’ve heard the age-old advice: Drink 8 glasses of water a day. But is that really the best way to hydrate your body? In this edition of our book club series, our Head of Client Wellness, Sarah Hebbel-Stone, turns to the latest read among wellness professionals, Quench.

Six Must-Have Herbs to Support Your Detox

Six Must-Have Herbs to Support Your Detox

The skin, lungs, kidney, colon and liver are your body’s main pathways of detoxification and elimination. Ideally, they are built to filter and remove waste from the body. But modern living - from pollution to a Standard American Diet - can clog these pathways, making it harder for your body to efficiently process waste. <strong>To support your body's natural detoxing process, we've designed a custom blended detox tea tonic.