Health & Wellness

Peek Inside the WFH Life of Christine Choi

Peek Inside the WFH Life of Christine Choi

It has been well over a month since we embarked on our Work From Home journey. We have come a long way in finding our self-isolation stride. In this edition of our client spotlight series, we caught up with Christine Choi - one of our long-time supporters, current meal delivery client, and a Partner and Head of Brand and Communications at venture capital firm M13. She fills us in on her WFH experience, what it’s like being an extrovert in quarantine, how she uses food to connect with friends, and what she has learned so far.

How To Tame Your Anxiety - A Complete Resource Guide

How To Tame Your Anxiety - A Complete Resource Guide

Instead of denying the feelings of anxiety and fear, we can acknowledge them and address them as part of the human experience and then work through them together. To that end, we have collected some resources for you to use at home while practicing social distance and protecting your health.

Immune System 101: What affects it and how to strengthen it

Immune System 101: What affects it and how to strengthen it

We know it’s challenging to opt for healthy habits and self-care in this modern world that sometimes feels filled with stress and overwhelm. Now, with the change of seasons upon us and the ongoing spread of the coronavirus, we feel it is more important than ever to practice self-love and to support your immune system.

Women Changing The Face of Wellness

Women Changing The Face of Wellness

As a woman-owned and operated business, Provenance finds great value in empowering and supporting other females. In celebration of Women’s History Month, we are recognizing fellow industry professionals and our wellness partners who are changing the face of health and wellness by bringing their strengths and passion to the forefront.

Resetting the System: The Power of A Cleanse

Resetting the System: The Power of A Cleanse

With only a few weeks left of winter, we are preparing ourselves for the ceremonial spring clean. This is an important time of year for Provenance clients, as we focus not only on cleansing our surroundings, but our mind and bodies as well.  In an effort to get back to basics and revive her energy, The Class Digital Producer and Teacher Courtney Deri participated in The Cleanse meal delivery program. Today, she shares how she overcame cravings and how the experience reset her system.

Inflammation 101: Understanding the Causes, Symptoms, and How to Fight with Nutrition

Inflammation 101: Understanding the Causes, Symptoms, and How to Fight with Nutrition

You may hear about inflammation and anti-inflammatory diets ... but do you really understand what it means? To help share more details, we checked in with one of our go-to wellness network partners, Registered Dietitian, Eliza Savage, who helps to demystify the term, offer a few inflammation-fighting tips and explain why an anti-inflammatory diet (one that eliminates gluten, dairy, and refined sugar) is a trend that’s here to stay.

Redefining Wellness in 2020 - From a Busy New Yorker's Perspective

Redefining Wellness in 2020 - From a Busy New Yorker's Perspective

Meet Suzy - busy mom, wife, and Executive Director for Opening Act - a non-profit organization that uses theater to help kids gain confidence and leadership skills - and longtime Provenance Meals client. In this spotlight edition, Suzy shares her honest approach to wellness, why she has given up on the impossible goal of being perfect, and how she invests in her self-care on a regular basis.

Client Profile - Meet Christina Phillips, Senior SoulCycle Instructor

Client Profile - Meet Christina Phillips, Senior SoulCycle Instructor

Long-time client Christina Phillips is a senior instructor at SoulCycle, dancer, and actor living in Manhattan. We’re excited to share a sneak peek into her busy routine. Read on to learn how she fuels her rigorous teaching days, and how she deals with stress in the hustle and bustle of New York City.

Client Diary - Life on the 5 Day Detox with Leslie Campisi

Client Diary - Life on the 5 Day Detox with Leslie Campisi

In the latest installment of our client spotlight series, we take a peek into the detox week of Leslie Campisi, long-time client, CMO of Anthemis - a fintech VC and venture builder - editor of Hacking Finance, and on-the-side yogi and wellness coach. Here Leslie shares a bit on her background, the biggest triggers to eating unhealthy, and how she maintains her health with the occasional whole food cleanse from Provenance.